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Rhine-Main Premiere

Kategorie: Internationales Programm Wahrheit
Show: Friday, 31. March 2017, 06:00 p.m., Filmmuseum

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(Feature Film, THA/NL/F/QAT 2016), Thai original with English subtitles, 95 min.Director: Anocha Suwichakornpong
Director of Photography: Ming Kai Leung
Screenplay: Anocha Suwichakornpong
Editor: Lee Chatametikool, Machima Ungsriwong

MUSIC:* *Wuttipong Leetrakul

international competition

Rhine-Main Premiere

A young filmmaker interviews her personal “living legend,” a survivor of the student massacre at the Thammasat University in 1976. For this, they retreat together to a remote mountain hotel. But can she actually comprehend the history from back then, how does she manage to portray her protagonists with her camera and yet capture the horror at the same time? Has she really understood what her idol wants? The scenery changes; an actor talks to his friends about an offer for a role. For this biopic? An inconspicuous young woman, sometimes waitress, sometimes cleaning lady, emerges at different places. What is her connection to the other protagonists?

In her celebrated second oevre, ANOCHA SUWICHAKORNPONG unwinds layer by layer and in eclectic imagery the representable and indeed non-representable aspects of the barely processed history of the country.
She follows the characters as they appear. More than once, the questions “what if” and “how else” resonate in space, without the tension resolving. With repeating motifs, the director creates a poetic masterpiece on the meaning and insufficiency of cinematic imagery.

“Suwichakornpong subtly uses fragmented images, identity slippage and ellipsis to dig for the core of contemporary Thai experience and ask profound questions about how memory, politics and cinema intersect. You’ll be lucky to find a more ambitious or enthralling work of cinema in this year’s festival.” – Kieron Corless, Sight & Sound

“There’s no doubt that the winding enigmas of ‘By the Time It Gets Dark’ speak muted volumes.” – Andrew Chump, The Playlist