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Kategorie: Zukunft Deutscher Film
Show: Saturday, 01. April 2017, 08:00 p.m., Mousonturm // Saal
(Feature film, D 2017), German OV, 90 min.Director: Jakob Lass
Actors: Ella Rumpf, Maria Dragus, Enno Trebs, Orce Feldschau, SWISS, Benjamin Lutzke, Franz Rogowski, Ulrik Bruchholz, Lana Cooper, Robert Gwisdek
Production: Ines Schiller, Golo Schultz
Screenplay: Jakob Lass, Ines Schiller, Hannah Schopf, Nico Woche, Eva-Maria Reimer
Editor: Gesa Jäger, Adrienne Hudson
Bourgeois woman meets unadjusted gangster: Vanilla lives in compliance with all rules, is always helpful and works for a security service. Tiger operates as a clever criminal without fear and respect. An explosive encounter with consequences. Tiger is fascinated by this girl, who is trying so hard to be accepted. She teaches her to bite back and Vanilla licks blood. Soon, together they roam the city dressed in security outfits. Shamelessly, the young women abuse the authority bestowed on them by their uniforms, to mold the public order according to their own rules: they steal bicycles, crush porcelain and laugh louder than the police would permit.
Even wilder, more dangerous and brutal – in one word – more feminine, TIGER GIRL arrives after the great debut success of LOVE STEAKS. JAKOB LASS lets his actors and performers congenially improvise in a documentary environment. Experiment meets martial arts.
There are no written dialogues and instead of a conventional screenplay, the so-called “skeleton script” forms the basic framework for the story. On the basis of the scene schedule, the filming takes place in a semi-documentary environment, in this case: the reality of induction training at a private security service. The FOGMA approach of the filmmaker trio JAKOB LASS, INES SCHILLER and GOLO SCHULTZ feeds fictional feature films through reality and turns film into a direct experience.
“Lass’ film is a kind of coming-of-age constantly changing direction, a film about the liberating discovery of young women’s own strength, the casting off of the socially instilled nice behaviour and the inability (or unwillingness) to deal with it. With it, corporeality and violence play an important role. This is absolutely new in this drastic form, at least for the German film. Exciting. And often, barely endurable.” – Christine Stöckel, taz
“To capture such energies, the cinematographer was invented once upon a time.” – Süddeutsche Zeitung
“Quentin Tarantino meets Lars from Trier. An unpredictable movie experience.” – Radio Fritz
“It is still early on in the year, however “Tiger Girl “will be among the coolest films of 2017.” – Welt.de