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German Premiere

Kategorie: Internationales Programm Wahrheit
Show: Saturday, 01. April 2017, 06:00 p.m., Mousonturm // Saal

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(Documentary, USA 2016), engl. OV with subs., 92 min.Director: Maisie Crow
Director of Photography: Jamie Boyle
Editor: Jamie Boyle

German Premiere

In the US, one abortion clinic after another has to shut down. Christian fundamentalists, who seem to have a lot of time to interfere with other people’s lives, are creating pressure. In special counseling centres, they try to convince in particular black and socially deprived women of the happiness of motherhood. With ignorance and bigotry, accepting only one truth, the abortion opponents aggravate the already precarious life situations of the pregnant and often already multiple mothers.

The documentary JACKSON is celebrated at many festivals and shows the survival of the last abortion clinic of Mississippi. In harrowing images, director Maisie Crow captures the fate of women, the daily hostilities towards the clinicians and the aggressive hypocrisy of the pro-life movement for the screen. Jackson makes clear how much racism and intolerance still characterise the social climate in the US.

“Easily one of the year’s strongest documentaries…” – Criterion Cast

“A devastating account of a broken commons, the movie reveals just how much the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions…” – Filmmaker Magazine

“…Jackson allows all sides in the abortion issue to have their say to illuminate the issue’s truths and lies. The results are sometimes engrossing, sometimes anger-inducing.” – BeyondChron