LICHTER Kritikerblog // Apply Now!

The KRITIKERBLOG [the reviewer’s blog] goes into the third round at LICHTER 2016 – once again in cooperation with the HESSISCHE FILM- UND MEDIENAKADEMIE (hFMA) [Hessian Film and Media Academy].

The Kritikerblog deals with the heart of the LICHTER film festival: the film program. In order to provide the critical analysis of filmmaking a platform beyond the established arts news, LICHTER opens the possibility of journalistic confrontation with the medium of film primarily to young and talented young critics.

The blog is designed by dedicated students of the hFMA network in the region, who have been prepared in the context of a workshop for journalistic writing. Under the professional direction of FAZ film critic Bert Rebhandl and with a guest contribution by Rhine-Main culture editor Eva-Maria Magel, the aim is to establish the blog beyond the festival itself within the Rhine-Main region.

In cooperation with the FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG (FAZ), the most exciting and successful review will be published on the university pages of the Rhine-Main newspaper.

The blog and the workshop are made possible through LICHTER film festival and the hFMA. All students of the hFMA network are invited to apply to participate in the workshop.

More information on how to participate and how to register can be found here (Homepage of hFMA)